Saturday, May 28, 2011

Cankles and Dinos

Swatika!! ( or Hello in Thai)

Finally in Thailand and it has been an incredible experience so far. Meeting these Thai Christians has been so fun and inspiring seeing how they live out their faith. Our journey was a 2 day adventure-very tiring, exciting, and smelly. Our travel flights were from Birmingham to Charlotte, Charlotte to New York, a long lay over from New York to Singapore, Singapore to Bangkok, and lastly Bangkok to Khon Kaen where we were greeted with smiling faces, Thai students, and sweet kids running around everywhere. It was probably the best greeting I've ever had. One of my favorites being from a cute little boy named Sam. He greeted me by taking a picture of me with his cross necklace, as well as swinging a light saber at my face. Right when we got back to "The Great Diamond"( our residence) we all were out in 10 minutes. Of course, because of the jet lag, we were  up the next day at 5 am in the morning wide awake.Good to be in my new home for the next two months.

Double decker plane! Who knew there could be an upstairs to a plane?

Large and in charge cankles after the 17 hour plane ride. Did not know this could happen either.

Day 2.
The next day we went on a city tour to visit all the city sites. We saw temples, markets, stray dogs EVERYWHERE, and visited a big mall with a fresh supermarket.  After the tour, we went and ate with all the Thai families and their children at Ja Pawn.( a place where there are vendors everywhere). I've learned that I love lime smoothies here. The fruit is just too good. I'm obsessed. I've realized that I absolutley love my team and can't wait to get to know them more and more as the summer goes on. Thank you all for your support, prayers, and love for this amazing opportunity. 

Words I have learned.

jah yin yin nah-"easy tiger"

My new favorite fruit. (ngom) Looks deceiving, but taste incredible.

Just a normal stray cat laying on the tables where we eat. No big.

Yummy food. Watermelon smoothie and fried rice!
Motorcycles are frequently used  in Thailand. I loved seeing the girlie girls with bows on their head cruising on a motorcylcle.

Motorcycle by the lake. My favorite place on the tour.
August in front of the mall. Interesting advertising.
Townsend and I in front of one of the many Buddhist temples
I'm in love with little Sam
Interesting fact. There are many dinosaurs statues and shrubbery in Khon Kaen. This is because they found a dinosaur fossil here years ago. They are proud of their discovery. Molly Mitch, if you are reading this- this pic is for you.

1 comment:

  1. Katy!!! I'm estatic about your trip!! I'm so glad you're keeping us updated!! love to see you and the teams blogs and tweets!! but mostly, i love YOU! please tell August and Katherine that I'm praying for ya'll and sending my love!! learn lots!

