G- God's
R- Riches
A- At
C- Christ's
E- Expense
This week has been such a wonderful reminder of God's grace. This summer we have been seeing a lot of our pride, selfishness, and many more sins, but this week God's grace as been so abundant in my life. We don't deserve a Savior or even to be in heaven, but God saved us anyway through his perfect son dying on the cross. He loves us and we are valuable in his eyes. We are not his slaves, but his sons and daughters. We are not in bondage, but have FREEDOM in Christ. What an incredible feeling.
Last week was so wonderful. We celebrated Courtney's birthday with karaoke, visited an orphanage, learned how to play field hockey, went on a double date to the Green Leaf, played scrabble, swam in a green pool, and ate with the staff here at KKU.(Khon Kaen University).
The day at the orphanage was one of my favorite days. The kids were so precious and fun to play with, besides the kid who squirted milk on my new shirt. No big though. The kids would not leave your side for more than 5 seconds. Right as we would set them down, the immediately ran to our knees with their arms high saying "Om, Om" Meaning- Hold me. Such a great picture of how we should be crying out to the Lord saying "Hold me" or "Take me". When we left it broke my heart. They were bawling, grabbing onto our legs as we had to leave. I wanted to keep them all. I will adopt a Thai baby one day, Lord willing.
Lately, we have been hanging out with freshman while they are playing their sports. Starting Wednesday, the students will begin their freshy games. This is where students from certain faculties( or majors) will play against each other in games such as volleyball, tennis, badmitton, field hockey, basketball, fencing, and crosswords. We will be cheering and following around the education faculty. We've been helping the girls with crosswords(aka scrabble) because it is in English. It is sad that I have been beaten twice. However, they also get to use special words such as xi, and qi, and many more that I am not aware of. It's been so fun and real good bonding with them. I am loving the Thais more and more everyday. I don't know how I am going to leave!
Please continue to pray for health, strength, and taking opportunities that God is revealing to us. Thank you for prayers and support!
New Thai words:
Jip joy- No worries
Law lin- just kidding
ma(same tone)- come
ma(rising tone)- dog
ma(low tone)- horse
This is a video Townsend created. I absolutely love it.. Might just bring tears to your eyes! Enjoy.
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